Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 04:30:15 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #121 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 19 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 121 Today's Topics: AX.25 spec sheet? (not in FAQ??) FAQ - please mail Help with Packet on a Mac Net/mac Packet IP coordinator for Norther Calif? Packet uses? and Modem recomm? PoorMan's Packet- Serial Interface? TI 320C26 DSP Eval Kit WA8DED ( help) Wanted PACTERM program for MAC Wyse 50 and TNC Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 18 Apr 94 19:51:26 GMT From:!!!!!swrinde!emory!!! Subject: AX.25 spec sheet? (not in FAQ??) To: I've read through the FAQ and it mentions a specification for AX.25 but it doesn't say where it can be gotten. Is it in a digital format for ready FTP'ing or do I have to get it in (GOD FORBID!) hard copy format?? Post or email fine... -- =============================================================================== | Daniel Lakeland. Mathematics Major. Iowa State University | |; N6VYF coming soon to a packet site near you. | =============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 19 Apr 94 17:05:56 GMT From:!!!! Subject: FAQ - please mail To: Can someone please mail me the FAQ for this group ? Rohan ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 1994 15:06:02 GMT From:!usc!!!charnel!psgrain!!!!!!usenet@network. Subject: Help with Packet on a Mac To: In article <2ot91q$>, (Patty Winter) writes: >In article <2opt82$>, TSTADER wrote: >> >>If you are savy enough to get on the "networking" version of packet... you >>might want to try NET/Mac. There are a number of us that have converted soley >>to that mode over the ax.25 PBBS side! > > >Just my usual reminder that NET/Mac permits AX.25 and NETROM connections >in addition to TCP/IP sessions. (All simultaneously, if different >protocols are allowed on the channel you're using.) This is true of >the versions of KA9Q's software for other computers, too. > >I keep running into people who think that NET and NOS only do TCP/IP, >so I like to make it clear that they're all-in-one programs. > > >Patty > >-- >============================== Patty Winter ============================== > Apple contractor Internet: > Sunnyvale, California AMPRNet: > "What about truth? What about reality?" > "What about the way the old ending tested in Canoga Park?" >================================== N6BIS ================================= > Great point, Patty! I'll have to remember that when I talk with people about tcpip over ham radio. 73, Bill W0OMV ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 94 18:10:55 GMT From: agate!!!!!! Subject: Net/mac To: I've heard about NET/mac. Is it available via FTP or is it commercial? Thanks -- =============================================================================== | Daniel Lakeland. Mathematics Major. Iowa State University | |; N6VYF coming soon to a packet site near you. | =============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 19 Apr 94 05:52:24 GMT From:!!!psgrain!charnel! Subject: Packet IP coordinator for Norther Calif? To: Hello, I'm trying to locate the person coordinating ip address assignments in Northern California. I have a very old list, which I don't have much faith in. Thanks, Robert N7TFZ ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 1994 18:52:07 GMT From:!! Subject: Packet uses? and Modem recomm? To: In article <>, (Gary Coffman) writes: |> You have |> a RS232 port on the TNC that you connect to a computer or terminal, |> and audio in/out and PTT that connect to the radio. No special software |> beyond a simple communications program is needed on the computer, though |> there are packet specific programs available with nice features tailored |> to packet operation. Hi Gary, This is precisely the type of description of what you need for packet that I have been looking for for quite some time.. thank you. :) Now, my question is, can I run audio line out from my scanner to a TNC and just reconstruct packets from nearby machines? I know that the TNC won't be able to request retransmission of bad packets so there will be an error rate, but what kind of results can I expect from that setup? I'm interested in packet, but the license is down the road and I'd really like to get a peek at it before I dive in. I have a PRO-2006 with an extended duck.. discone probably soon. |> Gary |> -- |> Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary |> Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary |> 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary |> Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | -- Steven Jackson New York University Assistant to the Chair of Comp Sci Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, jcksnste@acfcluster 251 Mercer St, Room 411,NY 10012 "Not in my head.. so I don't have to think.." -- Nik Fiend ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 1994 14:03:31 +0100 From:!!!!!uknet!acorn! Subject: PoorMan's Packet- Serial Interface? To: In article <> writes: > The problem: the 73 article interfaces via LPT, which is fine for >20+/- feet, but the CD office is configured so that our radio cubbie hole (and >the coax lines to the roof) is 50+ feet from where we can put the computer. >(our cubbie hole is filled with HF and VHF voice already). This seems TOO long >for reliable parallel communications. Also people would like to dedicate a >printer to LPT1 (there are no expansion slots in our donated computer). Can't you extend the audio wiring (using transformers or line drivers if necessary) instead of the parallel port wiring ? -adrian ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 94 14:22:53 GMT From: Subject: TI 320C26 DSP Eval Kit To: >Has anybody done anything with TI's $99 320C26 Evaluation Kit? Yes there are a lot of things done with the TI DSK. PCTOR AMTOR and RTTY by KC7WW. port of W9GR filters by KC7WW. loader for macintosh by PA3BYA. look at for software. Gerrit. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 10:05:21 GMT From:!usc!!!uknet!root44!praxis! Subject: WA8DED ( help) To: In article <> BIDDLEAP@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (Alan P. Biddle) writes: Alan> In <2ojll8$> Richard writes: >> I'm am looking fro the Hex code and documention for WA8DED eprom for a >> TNC2 . I have found the code for TNC1. Is it the same ? HAs any one >> tried this. TNX. 73s de N5TRJ nnnnnnnn Alan> No, it is a different code. You can get an EPROM with the latest Alan> code, and the docs of course, from TAPR. I used it some time ago, Alan> and it works just fine. Of course the interface is designed to be Alan> computer rather than human friendly, and I have always been Alan> strange.:) My only complaint is that there is/was no version with Alan> KISS in it. Get NORD> From:!!emory!!!!!! writes: > > You probably need the TNC to keep up the DSR signal... Most things don't > care, but a lot of terminals actually follow some of those data signals that > are often ignored on PCs, etc... you'll prolly need to change DSR, maybe DTR, > CTS and RTS, and if your TNC is capable maybe turn on XON/XOFF. I don't know > from using modems and getting them to work, so don't ask for specific commands > or anything... 8-) > Good luck. > Appreciate all the help and suggestions. The final solution turned out to be just a matter of using a breakout box to block all of the cable conductors except 2, 3 and 7. Then turned echo on and activated XON/XOFF handshaking. Works great now. Should be fun trying it out on field day. Now I just have to make up a new cable and return the breakout box. 73 to all and thanks again for the help. Bob Taggart (K8RYA/3) 8^*) ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 1994 18:31:20 GMT From:!!!! To: References <2oh1qh$>, <2okn8t$>, <2om1ki$> Reply-To : Subject : Re: NTS traffic on packet In article <2om1ki$>, (Mike Stansberry) writes: |> Tell me what needs to be done to stop doubling, tripling, or even more |> of messages. Tell me what needs to be done to get the time in transit |> of messages sent via packet down from 5 to 10 days to something |> reasonable. Don't tell me the above statements are not true. I'm |> keeping track of the header information on the messages I deliver |> that travelled by packet and the 5 to 10 days is the norm/. Ok, I'll tell you what to do to solve these problems. This is what we do in our part of the network whenever problems such as you describe occur. Once located, the problem is usually quickly fixed. With respect to these 5-10 day delays you claim to see: 1. Track the messages to find out where the delays occur. 2. Send this information to SYSOP@USA (or to the appropriate sysops directly) so everyone involved knows where the problems occur, and can work to fix them. 3. Create better routings so the delays do not occur. If the above is not clear, then simply post a few messages to SYSOP @ USA including the headers from these delayed messages. We can't fix anything until we know where the problem occurs. You have not given us that information yet. With respect to the duplicates you claim to see: 1. Track the messages to find out where the duplicates occur. 2. Send this information to SYSOP@USA (or to the appropriate sysops directly) so everyone involved knows where the problems occur, and can work to fix them. 3. Adjust your forwarding or connect parameters so the duplicates no longer occur. If the above is not clear, then simply post a few messages to SYSOP @ USA including the headers from these duplicated messages. We can't fix anything until we know where the problem occurs. You have not given us that information. The above is simply common sense: it is how we manage the network so it will meet reasonable requirements on delay times, etc. Do we see delays and duplicates like this in the Pacific NW? Yes, of course we do. Do we allow them to continue? No, we do not. We manage the network to locate and repair problems like this. They are usually simple problems that yield to simple solutions. ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Internet : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 15 Apr 94 00:31:25 GMT From:!!!! To: References <2oblv6$>, <2oer3v$>, <2oh1qh$>com Reply-To : Subject : Re: NTS traffic on packet In article <2oh1qh$>, (Mike Stansberry) writes: |> Hank Oredson ( wrote: |> : In article <2oblv6$>, (Mike Stansberry) writes: |> : |> Hank Oredson ( wrote: |> : |> : In article , (Dan Ostroy ) writes: |> : |> |> : |> : The days of handling traffic on 80M CW are pretty much gone now, just |> : |> ^^^^^^ |> : |> **** WRONG!!! *** Just because YOU don't do it, don't assume it's |> : |> gone. I handle a LOT of traffic on 80M (and 40M) CW and so do a |> : |> lot of others! |> : |> |> : |> Mike, K0TER |> : |> |> |> : I'm certainly sorry to hear that. |> |> : Sounds terribly inefficient and error prone, when there are |> : better ways to do it. |> |> : -- |> |> : Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics |> : Internet : |> : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM |> |> I guess you are just not interested in trying to help. Use your |> system or none at all, right? End of discussion. *** Flame mode on: So what should I do to try and help? Spell it out and stop whining. I guess differently than you do: I am trying to help by working to create a network that will gaurantee error free movement of messages anyplace in the world. Did I say "none at all"? No I did not. Please pay attention and read what was written (it's right up there ..). I said that 80M CW sounds terribly inefficient and error prone. Your response is what I hear from the majority of hams presently involved in NTS: "Oh my, Oh my, Run Away! - the Computers are coming, and we are afraid they will replace us!" In what way would you like me to help? By getting on 80M CW? No thanks, I've done that, and know perfectly well that it is error prone, slow, and can handle only a tiny amount of traffic. What I have been saying is that NTS fails to make use of all resources available to it, and in particular appears to be stuck in the dark ages of message handling. "End of discussion" sounds a lot like "I refuse to hear what you have to say, and will continue to refuse to hear it." *** Flame mode off: Indeed, not all NTS participants are like Mike. Some appear to understand what *could* be done, and would like to move NTS forward. However from my experience they are in the minority, and the "Mikes of the world" are in the majority. ... Hank -- Speaking only for myself (but you knew that, didn't you) Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Internet : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #121 ******************************